We liked the idea of using poleriods in our film (like in momento) (hense why we want to call it smile) however, instead of being linked to memory we would use them to:
- draw attention to our main character
- represent the idea of stalking or watching someone
- and also as a creative way of putting our titles on.
To direct the film towards our target audience of 16-17 year olds we wanted to use a party scene at the begining but because of having to find a location and money ect this may be difficult. Solutions might be to just to have it as a kind of birthday party in a house of maybe just a scene where some friends have got together. The polleriods would gradually focus more and more on one girl until in the final polleriod you see her mouth taped up as though she's being held hostage.
Transistions would be rapid flash to white linked with a camera noise.
We also like the idea of the polleriods being pinned onto a cork board hopefully with lots of newspaper articles and other little things that might tell the story or at least give a few clues as to what kind of character the stalker might be and his relations to the girl.
The pictures could be made from stills of motion picture and photoshopped to look like a polleriods. And the titles will be hand written on the bottom of them.
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