Wednesday, 14 January 2009

So this is our cork board which is the main focus of our film. We've been making stuff to put on it all week and i just stuck them on tonight. I've left a bit of a gap on the top right so he can stick the last polleriod on.

Hopefully we'll be filming all the dark room/ cork board things on saturday but we'll have to see if the polleriod film arrives in time.

Also we've taken the stills we wanted from the film we shot on sunday and Jo's going to photoshop them to make them look like polleriods this week so we have them for sunday (to add to the cork board).

Finally, i recorded a sample of some possible music but its a bit repetative and annoying but once we work out how (and make some other samples) we'll upload them onto here and have some audience research going. And we're writing/editing the vioce over Jo started today tomorrow.
This is just a picture from our filming on sunday. This may feature in a making off documentary if we do one...

1 comment:

Mr. M said...

Great to see your project progressing you guys! Well done!!
Don't wait too long for the polaroid film though; you may have to go with standard prints if it's going to set your project back too much.